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deborahcuming | all galleries >> Galleries >> black_hills_south_dakota > Burro
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Custer State Park SD

The burros are said to be wild, although not native.
We quickly learned they were very fearful of people and would
work hard to stay away...
until a car door was opened with the
small hope of some special
treat coming from inside - then, they were
your best friend!
Just for the record, of course, we DID NOT feed them!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bryan Murahashi07-Jun-2009 03:45
Great shot of this cute little Burro.
Guest 07-Jun-2009 02:12
Terrific image, Deb. Well done. V
Jim Coffman07-Jun-2009 01:19
These guys are so cute! Nicely captured,Deb. V
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