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Color Overlay Infrared Photography

The photographs in this gallery were created in Photoshop by overlaying a color photo over an infrared photo.
Desaru Perdana Resort (Lobby)
Desaru Perdana Resort (Lobby)
Desaru Perdana Resort (Rooms)
Desaru Perdana Resort (Rooms)
Changi Ubin Ferry Terminal Park (Entrance)
Changi Ubin Ferry Terminal Park (Entrance)
Changi Ubin Ferry Terminal Park (Back)
Changi Ubin Ferry Terminal Park (Back)
Changi Point
Changi Point
Pathway (Colored IR)
Pathway (Colored IR)
Old Town - Historic Park House 1
Old Town - Historic Park House 1
Old Town - Historic Park House 2 - Colored IR
Old Town - Historic Park House 2 - Colored IR
Old Town - Historic Park Scrapbook Shop
Old Town - Historic Park Scrapbook Shop
Old Town - Historic Park Synagogue
Old Town - Historic Park Synagogue
Lim Bo Bo Seng Memorial (IR Color Overlay)
Lim Bo Bo Seng Memorial (IR Color Overlay)
Tan Kim Seng Fountain (IR Colored Overlay)
Tan Kim Seng Fountain (IR Colored Overlay)