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"Color" Infrared Photography

The "Colors" were created by an Infrared Post Processing technique known as "Red/Blue Channel Swapping/Switching", which involves the inversion of the values for the red and blue source in the red and blue channels.
No Mans Land
No Mans Land
Old Town - Historic Park House 2
Old Town - Historic Park House 2
Lim Bo Bo Seng Memorial (IR Color)
Lim Bo Bo Seng Memorial (IR Color)
Tan Kim Seng Fountain (IR Color)
Tan Kim Seng Fountain (IR Color)
Esplanade Pathway
Esplanade Pathway
Fort Canning Path with Large Tree (IR Color B+W 092)
Fort Canning Path with Large Tree (IR Color B+W 092)
Fort Canning Path with Large Tree (IR Color R72)
Fort Canning Path with Large Tree (IR Color R72)
Fort Canning Tree Top (IR Color)
Fort Canning Tree Top (IR Color)
Punggol Rocky Beach (IR B+W 092)
Punggol Rocky Beach (IR B+W 092)
Punggol Rocky Beach (IR R72)
Punggol Rocky Beach (IR R72)
Bonsai Tree
Bonsai Tree
Gateway of Heros
Gateway of Heros