This is indeed TSU's current Humanities building. As an English major, I spent a goodly amount of time there.
Jonathan Jackson
04-Jun-2009 04:11
This picture is a picture of Tennessee State University, which was then called
Tennessee State A & I University
20-Apr-2009 16:04
As all of those that attended West End High School know, this is not out school. It was never called West Nashville High School but at one time there was a school by that name but I don't know the history.
06-Apr-2006 19:54
Here is a picture of Nashville's West High School.
This is not a picture of West End High School. I have my Zephyr from 1962, the 25th anniversary of the school. There are clocks on each side of the tower, not on the front of the school as shown in your picture. The windows and front entrance do not match your picture. It may be a West End High School, but not the one in Nashville.