My white friend said she went swimming in this pool as a child, but I was not allowed to because of my color. She said they closed and cemented it up because they didn't want blacks swimming in it. I never gave the pool a thought since I lived in the country and only visited the city parks perhaps once a year. As a child my friend said it was a shock to her that they actually closed the pool because of racism. Those were the times, when good was really good and when bad was really bad.
08-Jul-2009 22:24
The great Ben West with his bow ties closed the pool rather than integrate. The pool was fun and I remember swimming there as a child, but the racist past is always brought back to my memory every time I think about it.
03-Dec-2008 00:10
I would love to know if anyone has any pictures of Cascade Pool? We went many times a summer, but have no pictures.
05-Apr-2008 23:52
This is the first picture I have seen of this pool, my grandfather drained it, but I never saw picture. Thank you!
17-Jul-2005 21:47
I walked from 17th avenue south to the park to swim quite often.