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Dan Drost | all galleries >> July 2010 Trips - Glacier Bay NP, Chena Hot Springs, Denali NP & Togiak NWR, AK >> July 2010 Trip - Gustavus & Glacier Bay Natl Park, AK >> Glacier Bay National Park Trip Notes > Mountain Goats Eating Kelp
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Mountain Goats Eating Kelp

We continued heading north in the East Arm toward the Muir Inlet. We cruised along the eastern shore behind Puffin Island. We saw a Moose Cow and her calf on the beach for only a few seconds before she ducked into the trees. It appeared, based on her tracks on the sand, that she and her calf had swam across the channel to get to the island.

We cruised between the shore and Garforth Island and began looking for Mountain Goats on Mount Wright. Jada quickly picked out a couple of Mountain Goat Doe’s with Kids heading down Mt Wright. We watched them come all the way down to the shore line and begin feeding on washed up kelp. This was a first for me. I had never seen a Mountain Goat eat kelp. I know they like mineral licks, so maybe the kelp gives them certain minerals needed for their health.

Here is a photograph of the Mountain Goats eating kelp.

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