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Dave Williams | profile | all galleries >> British and European Birds >> Shearwater,Scopoli's tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

British and European Birds | Avocet,Pied | Bearded Reedling | Bee-eater,European | Bittern,Great | Bittern,Little | Blackbird, Common | Blackcap | Bluethroat | Brambling | Bunting,Black-headed | Bunting,Cinereous | Bunting,Cirl | Bunting,Corn | Bunting,Cretzschmar's | Bunting,Lapland | Bunting,Ortolan | Bunting,Reed | Bunting,Rock | Bunting,Snow | Bullfinch,Eurasian | Bustard,Great | Buzzard,Common | Buzzard,Long-legged | Chaffinch | Chiff Chaff | Chough,Red-billed | Chukar | Cisticola,Zitting | Coot,Eurasian | Coot,Red-knobbed | Cormorant,Great | Cormorant,Pygmy | Crake,Little | Crake,Spotted | Crow,Carrion | Crow,Hooded | Crane,Common | Crossbill,Common | Crossbil, Scottish | Cuckoo,Common | Cuckoo,Great Spotted | Curlew,Eurasian | Curlew,Stone | Dipper,White-fronted | Diver, Black-throated | Diver,Great Northern | Diver,Red-throated | Dove,Eurasian Collared | Dotterel,Eurasian | Dove,European Turtle | Dove,Rock | Dove,Stock | Duck,Eider | Duck,Ferruginous | Duck,Harlequin | Duck,Long-tailed | Duck,Mandarin | Duck,Marbled | Duck,Ring-necked | Duck,Tufted | Duck, White-headed | Dunlin | Dunnock | Eagle, Bonelli's | Eagle,Booted | Eagle,Lesser Spotted | Eagle,Short-toed | Egret,Great | Egret,Little | Falcon,Elenora's | Falcon,Peregrine | Falcon,Red Footed | Fieldfare | Finch,Trumpeter | Firecrest | Flamingo,Greater | Flycatcher,Collared | Flycatcher,Pied | Flycatcher,Spotted | Fulmar,Northern | Gadwall | Gannet,Northern | Garganey | Godwit,Bar-tailed Godwit | Godwit,Black-tailed | Goldeneye, Barrow's | Goldeneye,Common | Goose,Barnacle | Goose,Bean | Goose,Brent | Goose,Canada | Goose,Egyptian | Goose,Greylag | Goose,Lesser White-fronted | Goose,Pink Footed | Goose, Snow | Goldcrest | Goldeneye | Goldfinch | Goosander | Goshawk,Northern | Grebe,Black-necked | Grebe,Great Crested | Grebe,Little | Grebe,Slavonian | Greenfinch,European | Greenshank,Common | Grouse,Black | Grouse,Red | Guillemot,Black | Guillemot,Common | Gull,Audouin's | Gull,Black-headed | Gull,Caspian | Gull, Common | Gull,Glaucous | Gull,Great Black-backed | Gull,Herring | Gull,Iceland | Gull,Lesser Black-backed | Gull,Little | Gull,Mediterranean | Gull,Ring-billed | Gull,Yellow-legged | Hawfinch | Harrier,Hen | Harrier,Marsh | Harrier ,Montague's | Heron, Black-crowned Night | Heron,Grey | Heron,Purple | Heron,Squacco | Hobby,Eurasian | Hoopoe,Eurasian | Glossy Ibis | Jackdaw,Western | Jay,Eurasian | Kestrel,Common | Kestrel,Lesser | Kingfisher,Common | Kite,Black | Kite, Black-winged | Kite,Red | Kittiwake,Black-legged | Knot,Red | Lapwing,Northern | Lark,Calandra | Lark,Crested | Lark,Greater Short-toed | Lark,Thekla | Linnet,Common | Magpie,Azure-winged | Magpie,Common | Mallard | Martin,Crag | Martin,House | Martin,Sand | Merganser,Red-breasted | Merlin | Moorhen,Common | Nightingale,Common | Nightingale,Thrush | Nuthatch, Eurasian | Nuthatch,Kruper's | Nuthatch,Rock | Nutcracker, Spotted | Oriole,Eurasian Golden | Owl,Barn | Owl, European Scops | Owl,Little | Owl,Long-eared | Owl,Short Eared | Owl,Tawny | Oystercatcher,Eurasian | Parakeet,Monk | Partridge,Grey | Partridge,Red-legged | Pelican,Dalmation | Petrel,Leach's Storm | Phalarope,Grey | Phalarope,Red-necked | Pheasant,Common | Pigeon, Common Wood | Pintail,Northern | Pipit,Berthelot's | Pipit,Meadow | Pipit,Red-throated | Pipit,Rock | Pipit,Tawny | Pipit,Tree | Pipit,Water | Plover,Spur-winged | Plover,European Golden | Plover,Kentish | Plover,Little Ringed | Plover,Grey | Plover,Ringed | Pochard,Common | Pochard, Red-crested | Pratincole,Collared | Ptarmigan | Puffin,Atlantic | Raven,Common | Razorbill | Redpoll,Lesser | Redpoll | Redstart,Common | Redstart,Black | Redshank,Common | Redshank,Spotted | Robin,Rufous Bush | Redwing | Ring Ouzel | Robin, European | Rock Thrush, Common | Rock Thrush, Blue | Roller,European | Rook | Ruff | Sanderling | Sandpiper,Buff-breasted | Sandpiper,Common | Sandpiper,Curlew | Sandpiper,Green | Sandpiper,Purple | Sandpiper,Wood | Scaup, Greater | Scoter,Common | Scoter, Velvet | Serin, European | Shag,European | Shearwater,Cory's | Shearwater,Manx | Shearwater,Scopoli's | Shellduck,Common | Shellduck,Ruddy | Shoveller,Northern | Shrike,Lesser Grey | Shrike,Masked | Shrike,Red-backed | Shrike,Southern Grey | Shrike,Woodchat | Siskin,Eurasian | Skylark,Common | Skua,Arctic | Skua,Great | Smew | Snipe,Common | Snipe,Jack | Sparrow,House | Sparrow, Eurasian Tree | Sparrow,Rock | Sparrow,Spanish | Sparrowhawk, Eurasian | Spoonbill,European | Starling,Common | Starling,Spotless | Starling,Rose-coloured | Stilt,Black-winged | Stint,Little | Stint,Temminck's | Stonechat,Common | Stork,Black | Stork,White | Swallow,Barn | Swallow,Red-rumped | Swamphen, Western | Swan,Mute | Swan,Whooper | Swan,Black | Swift,Alpine | Swift,Common | Swift,Pallid | Tern,Arctic | Teal,Eurasian | Tern,Black | Tern,Common | Tern, Elegant | Tern,Little | Tern,Roseate | Tern,Sandwich | Tern,Whiskered | Thrush,Blue Rock | Tern,White-winged | Thrush,Mistle | Thrush,Song | Tit,Blue | Tit, Coal | Tit,Crested | Tit,Great | Tit,Long-tailed | Tit,Marsh | Tit, Sombre | Tit,Willow | Treecreeper,Eurasian | Turnstone,Ruddy | Twite | Vulture,Cinereous (Black) | Vulture,Egyptian | Vulture,Griffon | Wagtail,Citrine | Wagtail,Grey | Wagtail,Pied | Wagtail,Yellow | Wallcreeper | Warbler,Booted | Warbler,Cetti's | Warbler,Cyprus | Warbler,Dartford | Warbler,Eastern Olivaceous | Warbler,Eastern Orphean | Warbler,Garden | Warbler,Great Reed | Warbler,Icterine | Warbler, Marsh | Warbler,Melodious | Warbler,Olive-tree | Warbler,Reed | Warbler,Rupell's | Warbler,Sardinian | Warbler, Savi's | Warbler,Sedge | Warbler,Spectacled | Warbler,Subalpine | Warbler,Willow | Warbler,Wood | Warbler,Yellow-browed | Water Rail | Waxwing | Wheatear,Black-eared | Wheatear,Black | Wheatear,Cyprus | Wheatear,Finsch's | Wheatear,Isabelline | Whitethroat,Lesser | Wheatear,Northern | Wheatear,Pied | Whimbrel | Whinchat | Wigeon,Eurasian | Woodlark | Woodpecker,Black | Woodpecker,Great Spotted | Woodpecker,Green | Woodpecker, Iberian Green | Woodpecker, Grey-headed | Woodpecker,Lesser Spotted | Woodpecker,Middle Spotted | Woodpecker,Syrian | Woodpecker,White-backed | Wren,Winter | Wryneck,Eurasian | Yellowhammer | Maybe next time!


Scopoli's Shearwater    Corfu,Greece
Scopoli's Shearwater Corfu,Greece