A more leisurely trip to the Grand Canyon this time with Granddaughter Michelle. This time we went in the east entrance which I found is only a short one hour and 10 minute drive up Rt. 89 from the house. Now I know I can make quick trips up there depending on favorable weather conditions. Also there are five or six view points along this road (Rt. 64) on the way to the main (south) entrance. These afford some excellent views of the Canyon. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for looking in and if you have any questions,comments or are interested in a print, you can contact me at davidroy.images@msn.com ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ HINT: Scroll down to view all thumbnails. Click on "Slideshow" upper right corner then select the number of seconds you want the image to stay on screen. If you choose to not select the "Slideshow" mode you can indivdually click on a thumbnail for a larger image. Key F11 will toggle you between full screen mode off and on, a nice feature for viewing photo's. Enjoy.