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davidksmith | all galleries >> Galleries >> pad > Whitefaced Meadowhawk Lincoln Co. WA
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Whitefaced Meadowhawk Lincoln Co. WA

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Alexander Kazakov23-Jul-2017 09:10
Nice shot! V
Jean D14-Jul-2017 03:57
Superb capture with fine detail, David. ~V
Tom Munson14-Jul-2017 00:26
This is wonderful, Dave. Sharp and nicely framed.
Hank Vander Velde13-Jul-2017 20:57
A nice well composed image David.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)13-Jul-2017 15:21
Another great presentation,vote
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal13-Jul-2017 12:43
Beautiful tack sharp macro image. V