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Eastern Ontario

Ontario, Canada
g13/52/833952/3/174678746.44e9a880.JPEG Sculpture Garden at Oeno Gallery
Sculpture Garden at Oeno Gallery
Glenora Ferry - Adolphustown Dock After the eclipse The Leanic in Long Point Harbour
Point Traverse Lighthouse April 8 Eclipse April 8 Eclipse g13/52/833952/3/166520832.a6f89a5c.JPEG Boldt Castle
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A pink chair Lake Ontario at dusk Lake Ontario at dawn Lake Ontario at dawn Lake Ontario
Gananoque Marina at sunset Gananoque Marina at sunset Gananoque Marina at sunset Gananoque Marina at sunset Gananoque Marina at sunset
Gananoque Marina Sunset sky On the waterfront Gananoque Inn, bathed in late afternoon sun Gananoque waterfront
Gananoque Playhouse On the St Lawrence On the St Lawrence On the St Lawrence On the St Lawrence
On the St Lawrence Beacon in the St Lawrence On the St Lawrence Fishing on the St Lawrence Sunnyside, on the St Lawrence
Fall on the St Lawrence Ivy Lee Bridge, leaving the Canadian mainland Ivy Lee Bridge Ivy Lee Bridge, between the Canadian mainland and Hill Island Ivy Lee Bridge, over Constance Island
On the St Lawrence Ivy Lee Bridge, between the Canadian mainland and Hill Island On the St Lawrence Boldt Castle Boldt Castle turrets
Deer statues on the top of the Boldt Castle Entry Arch Boldt Castle, Entry Arch Boldt Castle Powerhouse Boldt Castle boat house Boldt Castle, with Alster Tower in the foreground
Boldt Castle, Entry Arch on left, Alster Tower on right Boldt Castle On the St Lawrence On the St Lawrence On the St Lawrence
On the St Lawrence On the St Lawrence On the St Lawrence Ivy Lee Bridge Ivy Lee Bridge over Wellesley Island
Ivy Lee Bridge, between the US mainland and Wellesley Island Ivy Lee Bridge over Wellesley Island Rock Island Lighthouse Ivy Lee Bridge, between the US mainland and Wellesley Island Care for your own island in the St Lawrence?
On the St Lawrence Boathouses on the St Lawrence A house on an island in the St Lawrence A house on an island in the St Lawrence On the St Lawrence
Gananoque Playhouse Bateau Channel, between the mainland and Howe Island A house in Rockport Painted shed St John's Evangelical Catholic Church, above the Gananoque River
Gananoque Inn and waterfront St John's Evangelical Catholic Church On the Gananoque waterfront On the Gananoque waterfront Tremont Park Island
A memorial to the veterans who have fought in Canada's wars Catching the early sunlight Gananoque Inn Cruise boat at anchor, at dawn Cruise boat at anchor, at dusk
On Parrot's Bay, West of Kingston Parrot's Bay, West of Kingston Sailing in Picton Bay Sailing in Picton Bay Lake On The Mountain
Lake On The Mountain Lake On The Mountain Looking across Picton Bay Sailing on Adolphus Reach The Glenora Ferry
Wolfie's Grandview Wolfie's Grandview Fall in Port Hope Fall in Port Hope Fall in Port Hope
Fall in Port Hope g13/52/833952/3/164529960.af66656a.JPEG g9/52/833952/3/164522882.QGWNxr8N.jpg g9/52/833952/3/164522746.RtPdVN9l.jpg Lake on the Mountain