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Dave C (Sgt. Pepper) | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Swan Lake tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Swan Lake

Thank you for visiting my Swan gallery. Please use the facility at the bottom of any image you particularly liked to leave a comment. It's always nice to know which are visitors' favourites.
Dave (Sgt. Pepper)

[Gallery updated 7th March 2006] CLICK ON AN IMAGE TO OPEN IT UP FOR VIEWING
The New Prince
The New Prince
Dappled Light
Dappled Light
Following Mum
Following Mum
The White Prince
The White Prince
Swan 10
Swan 10
His Imperial Majesty
His Imperial Majesty
Feather Light
Feather Light
Mr & Mrs Swan
Mr & Mrs Swan
Paddling Swan
Paddling Swan
Mallard 02
Mallard 02
Mallard 03
Mallard 03
Friendly Swan
Friendly Swan
The Lookout
The Lookout
Swan 01
Swan 01
Swan 05
Swan 05
Swan 06
Swan 06
Duck 02
Duck 02
Coot 01
Coot 01
Coot 04
Coot 04
Mallard 01
Mallard 01
Mallard 04
Mallard 04
Swan 02
Swan 02
Swan 04
Swan 04
Swan 07
Swan 07
Swan 08
Swan 08
Swan 09
Swan 09
Swan 11
Swan 11
Swan 12
Swan 12
Swan 13
Swan 13
Swan 14
Swan 14
Swan 15
Swan 15
Pond 02
Pond 02
Mallard 06
Mallard 06
Mallard 05
Mallard 05
Goose 05
Goose 05
Coot 03
Coot 03
Coot 02
Coot 02
Goose 04
Goose 04
Goose 03
Goose 03
Goose 02
Goose 02
Feeding The Ducks 02
Feeding The Ducks 02
Fat Coot
Fat Coot
Pub By The Pond
Pub By The Pond
Pub By The Pond - Closeup
Pub By The Pond - Closeup
Duckpond 01
Duckpond 01
Swan 72.jpg
Swan 72.jpg
Swan 73.jpg
Swan 73.jpg
Swan 74.jpg
Swan 74.jpg
Swan 75.jpg
Swan 75.jpg
Swan 77.jpg
Swan 77.jpg
Swan 78.jpg
Swan 78.jpg
Swan 82.jpg
Swan 82.jpg
Swan 86.jpg
Swan 86.jpg
Swan 32.jpg
Swan 32.jpg
Swan 33.jpg
Swan 33.jpg
Swan 34.jpg
Swan 34.jpg
Swan 35.jpg
Swan 35.jpg
Swan 36.jpg
Swan 36.jpg
Swan 37.jpg
Swan 37.jpg
Swan 38.jpg
Swan 38.jpg
Swan 39.jpg
Swan 39.jpg
Swan 40.jpg
Swan 40.jpg
Swan 90.jpg
Swan 90.jpg
Swan 91.jpg
Swan 91.jpg
Geese 31.jpg
Geese 31.jpg
Geese 33.jpg
Geese 33.jpg
Duck 30.jpg
Duck 30.jpg
Gulls 04.jpg
Gulls 04.jpg
Gulls 07.jpg
Gulls 07.jpg
Gulls 10.jpg
Gulls 10.jpg
Gulls 13.jpg
Gulls 13.jpg
Gulls 15.jpg
Gulls 15.jpg
Swan 50.jpg
Swan 50.jpg
Swan 53.jpg
Swan 53.jpg
Swan 93.jpg
Swan 93.jpg
Swan 95.jpg
Swan 95.jpg