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Art Parnell | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers and Insects > Occupied Butterfly Weed
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Occupied Butterfly Weed


Canon EOS 30D
1/250s f/8.0 at 100.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 13-Jul-2007 21:57
Randy Carter
great shot v
Dan Ng13-Jul-2007 06:43
Beautiful colors, Art. V.
Guest 12-Jul-2007 19:32
great shot! vote
lou_rozensteins12-Jul-2007 09:35
Lovely details and colour. Well done. Voted.
Guest 12-Jul-2007 09:20
excelelnt catch.
January Grey12-Jul-2007 05:45
Thank you! Now that's a perfect capture! :) V~
Char12-Jul-2007 03:07
Hi Art,
A wonderful shot with great colors. \/
Gary Hebert12-Jul-2007 02:24
gorgeous colors Art... :)
Guest 12-Jul-2007 02:07
Very pretty! V