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Art Parnell | all galleries >> Galleries >> Strictly for the Birds > Croaked
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Canon EOS-1D Mark III
1/250s f/6.3 at 400.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
waterfalls man07-Sep-2009 02:58
Great Capture V
Randy Adams04-Sep-2009 15:01
Excellent catch Art...for both of you! (love the caption!) V
Janet Forjan-Freedman04-Sep-2009 12:31
Outstanding capture!
Tricia04-Sep-2009 03:32
What beautiful colours in the heron Art, not to mention, great capture of it swallowing that amphibian....
Tom Munson04-Sep-2009 03:24
WOW, Art, that a mouthful! Great nature image!
Char04-Sep-2009 02:32
Wow Art! You immortalized that frog before he was history. What a fantastic shot! \/
Sayer04-Sep-2009 02:22
Fantastic shot Art... poor frog! ~v