Most of these were shot in one of our flower beds, or on an external wall of our house. For some reason, the
North wall is a very popular landing site. Unfortunately, most of them don't hold still and pose --and the majority
are quite tiny. As a result, I often have my camera at a 45-degree angle to the wall, with one edge of the lens
right against the wall, and I drag it along, trying to keep a running insect, spider, or millipede in focus.
The Nikon Coolpix 4500, like its predecessors, has a swivel body that makes it easy to shoot from a variety of
angles that would be inconvenient, or even impossible, with most other cameras. It can also focus down to a
subject-to-lens distance of .8 inches (2 cm) without any add-on lenses. These features make it the ideal camera
for chasing tiny insects and spiders through bushes and along walls.
Un-resized crops are provided for all, in order to show all possible detail.