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Dan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Southern California... Our Visit > Autumn Glory, Benjamin Brown (1865-1942)
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Autumn Glory, Benjamin Brown (1865-1942)

Benjamin Brown (born in Marion, Arkansas, July 14, 1865; died in 1942) was a nationally known landscape artist. Born in Marion, AR on July 14, 1865. Early in life Brown was trained as a photographer and in his late teens studied at the St. Louis School of Fine Arts under Paul Harney and John Fry. He later studied in Paris at Académie Julian under Laurens and Benjamin-Constant. During the early years of his career he moved about and was active in St. Louis, Little Rock and Texas. Earlier he specialized in portraiture and still lifes; however, upon moving to Pasadena in 1896, he turned his attention to the local landscape. His first etchings were done in 1914 and with his brother, Howell, he cofounded the Printmakers of Los Angeles which later became the Los Angeles Society of Printmakers. Irvine Art Museum

Olympus OM-D E-M5
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Guest 13-Dec-2012 01:47
Splendid presentation! V.