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05-AUG-2011 Dan Polley ©2011

King Fahd Islamic & Cultural Centre

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The largest Mosque in Latin America, it resulted from President Carlos Menem's 1995 grant of 34,000 m² of municipal land in the Palermo section of Buenos Aires to the Mosque, following a state visit to Saudi Arabia. Wikipedia

Inaugurated in 2000, the Mosque and cultural center was designed by Saudi architect Zuhair Faiz, and includes prayer halls with capacities for 1,200 men and 400 women, respectively. The cultural center hosts a primary and secondary school, as well as a divinities school and a dormitory for 50 students. Wikipedia

Sony Cybershot DSC-H55
1/160s f/10.0 at 9.6mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto