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Images Taken With The Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM

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g4/06/296006/3/64979267.WAWIF7wv.jpg g4/06/296006/3/64944476.AlEgUXxA.jpg IMG_1021a copy.jpg Appetizer IMG_9809 copy.jpg
_MG_9519 copy.jpg g4/06/296006/3/64948557.UbZ2tr9g.jpg g4/06/296006/3/64980163.PJ08p0hA.jpg Ometepe Island In Lake Nicaragua From April's Courtyard
Norma Helena Gadea In Concert School Boy Bay Of San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua IMG_2367 copy.jpg Bay Of San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
IMG_1249 copy.jpg Boracay 042 copy.jpg IMG_8750 copy.jpg IMG_8062.JPG IMG_8057web.JPG
IMG_8017web.JPG IMG_8896.JPG IMG_9784.JPG IMG_9020.JPG NPH Casa Asis Orphanage
IMG_3762.JPG _MG_1175 copy.jpg Despair g1/06/296006/3/93507609.0cZFfmJ2.jpg g1/06/296006/3/93884803.F8MIWaWl.jpg
g1/06/296006/3/93931709.14bpZavf.jpg Yellow hisbiscus Marina at Punta del Este g1/06/296006/3/94104141.izSV4XrL.jpg Shadow of the lighthouse
Beach and lighthouse at Jose Ignacio, Uruguay Unique condo design in La Barra Punta del Este g3/06/296006/3/95348509.RHuNCLzc.jpg Shopping
Worker Sunset In San Juan del Sur IMG_9484girl.JPG g1/06/296006/3/97655464.1Ft85NV3.jpg Running On The Beach
Son & Father Nicaragua Sunset IMG_7286igu.jpg IMG_0801work.JPG IMG_6805xweb.JPG
_MG_3490weddingweb.JPG World Team Goalee Marie Brandner Renda tries real hard to relax.... Stopping by to wish everyone well. g3/06/296006/3/102268725.HiXyypRt.jpg
IMG_8834web.JPG Relaxing at Pelican Eyes Happy Hour IMG_0391show.JPG
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