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Dennis Ancinec's Recent Galleries

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26-Apr-2023 22:52
Ridgway's  Rail
gallery: Ridgway's Rail
19-Mar-2023 20:18
Black and White Warbler
gallery: Black and White Warbler
19-Mar-2023 20:09
American Wigeons
gallery: American Wigeons
15-Mar-2023 17:54
 In Box
gallery:  In Box
12-Dec-2022 21:50
White-crowned Sparrow
gallery: White-crowned Sparrow
12-Dec-2022 21:43
Red-necked Grebe
gallery: Red-necked Grebe
12-Dec-2022 21:37
Northern Harrier
gallery: Northern Harrier
12-Dec-2022 21:30
House Finches
gallery: House Finches
12-Dec-2022 21:21
Greater Yellowlegs
gallery: Greater Yellowlegs
12-Dec-2022 21:14
Double-crested Cormorant
gallery: Double-crested Cormorant
12-Dec-2022 21:12
gallery: Brant
10-Aug-2022 22:24
gallery: Willet