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Daniel Charron | all galleries >> Galleries >> Insectes / Insects > Cantharide / Podabrus rugosulus LeConte (Merci M. Majka!)
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Cantharide / Podabrus rugosulus LeConte (Merci M. Majka!)

Même insecte que la photo précédente. J’aime bien le mouvement implicite de l’insecte qui grimpe le long de la cocotte.

Canon EOS 1D Mark II N
1/320s f/4.5 at 150.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Christopher Majka 03-Aug-2011 19:05
This is actually Podabrus rugosulus LeConte. Note the distinct elevated lines on the elytra (absent in P. diadema) and also the elytral pubescence is very short and inclined whereas in in P. diadema it is coarse and sparse.