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Pierres et Reflets de Venise.

Stones and reflections of Venice.

« I would endeavor to trace the lines of ( the image of Venice) be for ever lost, and to record, as far as I may, the warning which seems to me to be uttered by every one of the fast-gaining waves, that beat, like passing bells, against the Stones of Venice.» (John Ruskin «Stones of Venice».)

«Je voudrais tracer (l’image de Venise) avant qu’elle se perde à jamais, et rappeler, autant qu’il sera en mon pouvoir, l’enseignement que semble murmurer chacune des vagues envahissantes qui viennent battre, comme des cloches errantes, les pierres de Venise.» (John Ruskin : «Les pierres de Venise»).
Hiver Serein.
Hiver Serein.
Gondole Filante.
Gondole Filante.
Rio del Vin.
Rio del Vin.
Calligraphie de l'Ombre.
Calligraphie de l'Ombre.
The Golden Shallow.
The Golden Shallow.
Good Vibrations.
Good Vibrations.
Le Dernier Passant.
Le Dernier Passant.
Wall Work.
Wall Work.
Venis en Fête.
Venis en Fête.
Rio dell' Arsenale.
Rio dell' Arsenale.
Stairway to Colors.
Stairway to Colors.
The Mirrors of a Venetian Café.
The Mirrors of a Venetian Café.
Venice in a Mirror.
Venice in a Mirror.
Nibelungen's Nightmare.
Nibelungen's Nightmare.
Four o'clock Vaporetto.
Four o'clock Vaporetto.
Red  Little Stars.
Red Little Stars.
The Lovers' Bridge.
The Lovers' Bridge.
Venetian Piranhas ?
Venetian Piranhas ?
Mirror of the Past.
Mirror of the Past.
Little Blue Fish...and Some Red.
Little Blue Fish...and Some Red.
Les Derniers Reflets d'un Jour d'Hiver.
Les Derniers Reflets d'un Jour d'Hiver.
A Secret Place.
A Secret Place.
Reflets d'un Autre Temps.
Reflets d'un Autre Temps.
An Afternoon on Piazza.
An Afternoon on Piazza.
Pierres de Venise.
Pierres de Venise.
Torsades et feuilles d'acanthe.
Torsades et feuilles d'acanthe.
Monsters by Numbers.
Monsters by Numbers.
Four Current Scenes...
Four Current Scenes...
Velvet Underwater.
Velvet Underwater.
Le Vitrail Englouti.
Le Vitrail Englouti.
Fuel For Night.
Fuel For Night.
Couleurs du Monde Flottant.
Couleurs du Monde Flottant.
L'Ivresse de Noë.
L'Ivresse de Noë.
The Clouds' Water Pond.
The Clouds' Water Pond.
Venise au temps du Corona.
Venise au temps du Corona.