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Danad | all galleries >> Galleries >> Là où vont les Anges en Hiver. > Un Ange.
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Un Ange.

Canon EOS 20D
1/400s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso400 full exif

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Wintermeer08-Nov-2023 10:40
Splendid portrait! ~V~
Alexander Kazakov27-Jul-2023 17:43
Nice! V
Zoltán Balogh03-Jun-2023 15:04
Simply stunning! V
lucanton03-Jun-2023 14:30
de beaux tons dorés... V
Tom LeRoy30-May-2023 10:38
An impressive portrait with great lighting on the golden tones of the costume. v
Ursula Miller28-May-2023 14:06
Wonderful portrait and great costume! V
victorswan27-May-2023 21:10
un portrait magnifique une composition brillante et des couleurs exceptionnelles très fascinant un grand travail BV
carabias27-May-2023 19:46
Very elaborate and sumptuous costume! V
Buz Kiefer27-May-2023 13:01
Beautiful golden light and a wonderful costume. Excellent, Daniel. V
Borisalex27-May-2023 11:50
Enhanced by the light, this golden Angel in a fantastic setting and portrait! V
Robert Oustric27-May-2023 11:45
Magnifique cliché. Ce costume splendide est bien mis en valeur par l'éclairage. VV
Fong Lam27-May-2023 09:23
Beautiful portrait with lovely costume and tones....V
Liz Bickel27-May-2023 01:23
Beautiful golden image. Amazing portrait. The red rose stands out.
bill friedlander26-May-2023 21:33
The costume is elaborate yet the rose stands out against it. V
Hennie & Lies Lammers26-May-2023 18:02
Stunning colors and clarity in this picture
janescottcumming26-May-2023 17:56
Looks like you had the Midas touch here. V
Tom Munson26-May-2023 15:46
Amazing portrait, wonderful colors and sharp.
Graeme26-May-2023 11:40
WoW! incredible use of gold in her costume and mask. A superb portrait, Daniel.V
Raymond Ma25-May-2023 21:06
Love the golden glow that bathes the scene. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography25-May-2023 16:04
Superb portrait indeed, all perfect, Vote.
Nick Paoni24-May-2023 19:46
Love that warm, golden light.
Pierre24-May-2023 12:44
Un magnifique portrait de ce bel ange! V
Nirvan Hope24-May-2023 01:17
So much gold, with the red rose for a prize. Wonderful.
Jeff Real23-May-2023 21:36
A golden wonder!
The red rose is the perfect touch!
fdt23-May-2023 18:39
Great portrait.
globalgadabout23-May-2023 16:13
a captivating image, so full of the lavish figure, plus a lively array of diagonals and the sublime setting...V
Walter Otto Koenig23-May-2023 15:46
Great portrait in Gold! Love the colors and lighting. "V"
Marcia Rules23-May-2023 15:02
Resplendent in gold! ~VVV~
Helen Betts23-May-2023 14:40
Great pose and tones in this beautiful shot, although that's a very unusual looking hand! V.
Jean-Claude Billonneau23-May-2023 12:17
Quel richesse de costume! Dans tout ce doré, la rose est bienvenue. V
joseantonio23-May-2023 06:45
Love those beautiful tones.V.
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