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Portraits of Alaska

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To quote Jane Goodall: "You don't wake up out of a dream, you wake up into a dream". That just about sums up living in Alaska.
Wildlife of Alaska
:: Wildlife of Alaska ::
Alaska Scenics
:: Alaska Scenics ::
Alaskan Wildflowers
:: Alaskan Wildflowers ::
Moose on the loose!
:: Moose on the loose! ::
:: Talkeetna ::
A Closer Look
:: A Closer Look ::
Dutch Harbor/Unalaska
:: Dutch Harbor/Unalaska ::
Four Days with Bears
:: Four Days with Bears ::
:: Juneau ::
The Magic of the Tongass
:: The Magic of the Tongass ::
Celebration 2006
:: Celebration 2006 ::
:: Valdez ::
Polar Bear Plunge 2009 Seward Alaska
:: Polar Bear Plunge 2009 Seward Alaska ::
US Coast Guard - Polar Plunge Seward, AK
:: US Coast Guard - Polar Plunge Seward, AK ::