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Greg McCroskery | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Buddy and Haily tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Buddy and Haily

This gallery contains images of our two wonderful boxers, Buddy and Haily. They make us laugh every day -- boxers are truly the 'clown' breed of all dogs. They are truly a great blessing in our life. They get along great with our two cats, Ziggy and Prissy, who knew we'd lost our minds when the pups showed up!
Update: Some time has passed since I set up this gallery. I'm sorry to say that during this time we lost our beloved 'Buddy' to congestive heart failure. Sadly, we've also lost our two kitties, 'Ziggy' and 'Prissy' to age and kidney problems.
Haily is our real 'trooper'. Age is starting to take its toll, but she still brightens our life every day, and we count every day with her a great blessing.
All images are the copyrighted property of Greg McCroskery (DBA - Imagism), and may not be copied or used in any manner without expression permission.
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PB294876 - Girlie Pose.jpg
PB294876 - Girlie Pose.jpg
PB294879 - Haily Girl.jpg
PB294879 - Haily Girl.jpg
PB294880 - Sparring Match.jpg
PB294880 - Sparring Match.jpg
PB294881 - The Evil Eye.jpg
PB294881 - The Evil Eye.jpg
PB294883 - Tug O War.jpg
PB294883 - Tug O War.jpg
PB294886 - Handsome Pups.jpg
PB294886 - Handsome Pups.jpg
PC250561 - Haily on Christmas 2011.jpg
PC250561 - Haily on Christmas 2011.jpg
P1200855 - Haily by Window Light.jpg
P1200855 - Haily by Window Light.jpg
P4182806 - Squirrel Hunting.jpg
P4182806 - Squirrel Hunting.jpg
P4182809 - Hailys Profile.jpg
P4182809 - Hailys Profile.jpg
P5170196 - Best of Friends.jpg
P5170196 - Best of Friends.jpg
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