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Greg McCroskery | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Austin Flavor - Photographs from the Texas Capitol tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Austin Flavor - Photographs from the Texas Capitol

These images give some idea of the flavor of my home city, Austin, TX. Austin is blessed with an abundance of both natural and cultural variety. I hope you enjoy this taste of life in Austin.
All images are the copyrighted property of Greg McCroskery (DBA - 'Imagism') and may not be copied or used in any way without the express written permission of the photographer.
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Head of Steam.jpg
Head of Steam.jpg
Heading Home.jpg
Heading Home.jpg
Hike and Bike Bridge.jpg
Hike and Bike Bridge.jpg
Larger Than Life.jpg
Larger Than Life.jpg
Power To The People.jpg
Power To The People.jpg
Town Lake Cruise.jpg
Town Lake Cruise.jpg
Walkin The Dog.jpg
Walkin The Dog.jpg
Frost Building.jpg
Frost Building.jpg
Hike and Bike Trail.jpg
Hike and Bike Trail.jpg
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