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Gay Rights Activist in Court 2007

In September 2007, gay rights activist Jimmy was arrested by the immigration police and put in detention in Soesterberg. Jimmy sought asylum in the Netherlands after he had to flee from his home country, Lebanon, in May 2002.In September 2007, gay rights activist Jimmy was arrested by the immigration police and put in detention in Soesterberg. Jimmy sought asylum in the Netherlands after he had to flee from his home country, Lebanon, in May 2002.
Jimmy had to leave Lebanon when his sexual orientation became public knowledge after a house raid by the police. He was no longer safe, not only because in Lebanon homosexuality is a reason for persecution but also because his father threatened to kill him for violating the family’s honor. He fled his home country and sought asylum in the Netherlands in May 2002. His asylum application has been ongoing ever since.Jimmy had to leave Lebanon when his sexual orientation became public knowledge after a house raid by the police. He was no longer safe, not only because in Lebanon homosexuality is a reason for persecution but also because his father threatened to kill him for violating the family’s honor. He fled his home country and sought asylum in the Netherlands in May 2002. His asylum application has been ongoing ever since.
In 2007 the immigration service (IND) decided that it was safe for him to return to Lebanon. Jimmy appealed the decision and was awaiting the outcome of his appeal, scheduled for 21st November, when he was arrested, put into detention in Soesterberg and threatened with being deported to Lebanon.In 2007 the immigration service (IND) decided that it was safe for him to return to Lebanon. Jimmy appealed the decision and was awaiting the outcome of his appeal, scheduled for 21st November, when he was arrested, put into detention in Soesterberg and threatened with being deported to Lebanon.
On 14th September 2007, a Dutch court adjourned to determine whether Jimmy would be allowed to stay in the Netherlands until the outcome of his appeal. The answer came two weeks later: Jimmy was allowed to stay in the Netherlands for the period until 21st November and to leave the detention center while waiting for the result of his appeal. On 28th September he returned to the asylum seekers center (AZC) where he resided at that time.

The court hearing that was scheduled for 21st November was canceled when the IND decided, unexpectedly, to grant Jimmy a temporary asylum status which permitted him to stay in the Netherlands for a one year period. After that year, his situation would be re-assessed. In the meantime, Jimmy was ordered to apply for a passport with the Lebanese embassy in the Netherlands.
On 14th September 2007, a Dutch court adjourned to determine whether Jimmy would be allowed to stay in the Netherlands until the outcome of his appeal. The answer came two weeks later: Jimmy was allowed to stay in the Netherlands for the period until 21st November and to leave the detention center while waiting for the result of his appeal. On 28th September he returned to the asylum seekers center (AZC) where he resided at that time.  

The court hearing that was scheduled for 21st November was canceled when the IND decided, unexpectedly, to grant Jimmy a temporary asylum status which permitted him to stay in the Netherlands for a one year period. After that year, his situation would be re-assessed. In the meantime, Jimmy was ordered to apply for a passport with the Lebanese embassy in the Netherlands.
To date, Jimmy's request for a passport has not been answered. On 20th October 2008, he applied for an extension of his legal residency in the Netherlands. He is currently awaiting a decision, which will be taken by 19th July 2009 at the latest.

With his temporary status, Jimmy is allowed to study in the Netherlands, but has no work permit.

The photos were taken in court on September 14, 2007.
Representatives of the immigration defense did not want to appear in the photos – they have been ‘blurred’.
To date, Jimmy's request for a passport has not been answered. On 20th October 2008, he applied for an extension of his legal residency in the Netherlands. He is currently awaiting a decision, which will be taken by 19th July 2009 at the latest.

With his temporary status, Jimmy is allowed to study in the Netherlands, but has no work permit.

The photos were taken in court on September 14, 2007. 
Representatives of the immigration defense did not want to appear in the photos – they have been ‘blurred’.