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2010-Nov District 70 Semiannual Conference

Held 19th-20th November at the Novotel North Beach Hotel, Wollongong
Table Topic - "Life is a Journey not a Destination"
Winner Table topics contest - Ann Kay, PwC,A12, Central
2nd place Table topics - Maurico Tapia, A42, Miranda, Southern
3rd place Table topics - Tom Wilde, Alpha, A23, Eastern

Winner Humorous contest - Ian Small, "The most dangerous creature", Hornsby District, A16, Hawkesbury
2nd place Humorous - Tarek Said, "Where is your accent from?", Aust. Young Professionals, A46, Central
3rd place Humorous - Michael Gallagher, "Grandads Braces", Coffs Harbour, A29, Northern

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