I think its the fur of a jaguar and then you used a color filter? impressive picture nontheless.
Robert Land
27-May-2004 21:36
Ok, just for the heck of it, I'll take a shot. It looks like a bed spread of some sort. What drew me to that conclusion were the angles in the image. In the bottom right hand corner specifically. The pattern changes to a vertical position (appearing to hang down rather abruptly) and in the far bottom right hand corner, there seems to be a hint of a rug. If Im way off base, I wouldnt even attempt another guess.
Box Brownie
27-May-2004 19:42
Looks like the fur of an animal - the clour shifted treatment certainly makes it interesting an puzzling.
As for the animal the closest I can think of (but the pattern is not identical) is the Ocelot
27-May-2004 18:38
Could be the grassy knoll, new IR technology reveals that there are traces
of not 1, or 2, but at least 50 shooters.
IR technology does not reveal yet whether they were holding
a camera or something else.