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Chris Willis | profile | all galleries >> Southern Africa, Sept. 2003 >> Chobe River tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Johannesburg to Maun | Moremi and the Khwai River, Botswana | Savuti Depression | Chobe River | Victoria Falls | Cape Town

Chobe River

The Chobe River forms the northern border of Botswana, and has an incredible abundance of animal life.
Zebra herd on the river floodplain
Zebra herd on the river floodplain
Sable antelope with oxpeckers on board
Sable antelope with oxpeckers on board
African fish eagle
African fish eagle
Cape buffalo mother and calf
Cape buffalo mother and calf
Lionesses -- note radio tracking collar
Lionesses -- note radio tracking collar
Male impala
Male impala
Cape buffalo with tracking collar
Cape buffalo with tracking collar
An elusive bushbuck
An elusive bushbuck
Young elephants sleep while the adults stand guard
Young elephants sleep while the adults stand guard
Secretary bird
Secretary bird
An elephant approaching our vehicle
An elephant approaching our vehicle
Hippos in the Chobe River
Hippos in the Chobe River
A hippo looks askance at an egret on its back
A hippo looks askance at an egret on its back
Nile crocodile
Nile crocodile
Elephants greeting one another
Elephants greeting one another
Cape buffalo grazing
Cape buffalo grazing
Elephants hurry to the river to drink at the end of a day without water
Elephants hurry to the river to drink at the end of a day without water
Elephants drinking
Elephants drinking
Baby elephants cannot drink using their trunks -- so they resort to a more direct method
Baby elephants cannot drink using their trunks -- so they resort to a more direct method
Elephant mother and calf
Elephant mother and calf
Our guide Dave attempting (unsuccessully) to catch a young crocodile
Our guide Dave attempting (unsuccessully) to catch a young crocodile
Giraffes watch the sun set over the Chobe River
Giraffes watch the sun set over the Chobe River
A matriarch elephant threatens us from a ledge above the river
A matriarch elephant threatens us from a ledge above the river
Roan antelope herd
Roan antelope herd