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Charlie Dunton | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Siege Lane wildflowers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Siege Lane wildflowers

Siege Lane is a small country road in costal Virginia that winds through a mixed woods forest with Dear Run golf course on one side, and Newport News Water Works property on the other. The road has been closed to vehicular traffic for 30 years or more, but is maintained by the Water Works. It is a favorite walking, running, and biking route in the area. Several years ago, the Water Works cut a 50-75 foot easement along one side of the the road which diminished the feeling of seclusion from close-in trees, but had the very beneficial effect of letting more sunlight down to the forest floor. This has led to a profusion of wildflowers along the side of the road. This gallery is a sampling of the flowers I have seen over the course of one season.
Hairy Elephant's Foot
Hairy Elephant's Foot
Carolina Wild Petunia
Carolina Wild Petunia
Asiatic Dayflower
Asiatic Dayflower
Blue Mistflower
Blue Mistflower
Virginia Meadow Beauty
Virginia Meadow Beauty
Stinking Camphorweed
Stinking Camphorweed
Beefsteak Plant
Beefsteak Plant
Great Blue Lobelia
Great Blue Lobelia
Narrowleaf Silkgrassa
Narrowleaf Silkgrassa
Oxeye Sunflower
Oxeye Sunflower
White Crownbeard
White Crownbeard
Orange Milkwort
Orange Milkwort
Dixie Tick Trefoil
Dixie Tick Trefoil
White Oldfield Aster
White Oldfield Aster
Virginia Buttonweed
Virginia Buttonweed
Saint Andrew's Cross
Saint Andrew's Cross
Mock Strawberry
Mock Strawberry
Purple False Foxglove
Purple False Foxglove
Dog Fennel
Dog Fennel
Large Flower Aster
Large Flower Aster
Bushy Seedbox
Bushy Seedbox
Pale Meadow Beauty
Pale Meadow Beauty
Queen Anne's Lace
Queen Anne's Lace
Common Bluet
Common Bluet
Blue Violet
Blue Violet
Beaked Corn-salad
Beaked Corn-salad
Plantain Leaved Pussytoes
Plantain Leaved Pussytoes
Wild Comfrey
Wild Comfrey
Hairy-fruited Chervil
Hairy-fruited Chervil
Lyreleaf Sage
Lyreleaf Sage
Common Cinquefoil
Common Cinquefoil
Yellow Wood Sorrel
Yellow Wood Sorrel
Violet Wood Sorrel
Violet Wood Sorrel
Rattlesnake Weed
Rattlesnake Weed
Carolina Geranium
Carolina Geranium
Purple Everlasting
Purple Everlasting
Blue-eyed grass
Blue-eyed grass
Common Groundsel
Common Groundsel
Sidebeak Pencilflower
Sidebeak Pencilflower
Maryland Golden Aster
Maryland Golden Aster
Oxeye Daisy
Oxeye Daisy
Clasping Venus' Looking Glass
Clasping Venus' Looking Glass
White Clover
White Clover
Wild Indigo
Wild Indigo
Daisy Fleabane
Daisy Fleabane
Spiked Lobelia
Spiked Lobelia
Red Clover
Red Clover
Deptford Pink
Deptford Pink
Sensitive Partridge Pea
Sensitive Partridge Pea