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Charlie Dunton | profile | all galleries >> The Performance Photography of Charles Dunton >> Celebrate! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


One thing you can be certain of is that we Virginians LOVE our history. In fact, we devote an entire year to teaching it to our children when they are still at the very impressionable age of 10. And we love to talk, some would say brag, about our history. So it should come as no surprise that Virginians also love to celebrate their history. After all, if something is worth remembering, and talking about, and even bragging about, then it obviously deserves a celebration or, at the very least, a festival!
Jamestown 400th Anniversary
:: Jamestown 400th Anniversary ::
Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival
:: Hampton Blackbeard Pirate Festival ::
Yorktown 225th Anniversary
:: Yorktown 225th Anniversary ::