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Cowichan Valley Camera Club | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> * CVCC Member Galleries - Do Not Post to these Galleries tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

* CVCC Field Trips: Multiple Galleries | * Photos of the Month: Multiple Galleries | * CVCC Top Scoring Competition Images | * Competitions-External: Multiple Galleries | * London Drugs Canvas Print Competition | * Competition-Evening Favourites: Multiple Galleries | * EF Candidates: Leading Lines "Closed" | * Challenge Gallery: Multiple Galleries | * CVCC Theme Gallery: Multiple Galleries | * CVCC Meetings and Events

* CVCC Member Galleries - Do Not Post to these Galleries

Images in these galleries are a compilation of postings CVCC club members have made to the
Photos of the Week, Challenges and other themed galleries.

**NOTE TO MEMBERS: Please do not post images directly to these galleries, they will be updated as
new posts are made to the Photo of the Week, Challenges and other themed galleries.

* Past Members
:: * Past Members ::
* Bob Skelton
:: * Bob Skelton ::
* Carl Erland
:: * Carl Erland ::
* Cim MacDonald *
:: * Cim MacDonald * ::
* Claus Madsen
:: * Claus Madsen ::
* Derek Rundell
:: * Derek Rundell ::
* Diana Peglar
:: * Diana Peglar ::
* Don Brown
:: * Don Brown ::
* Ed Taje
:: * Ed Taje ::
* Jan Heerwagen
:: * Jan Heerwagen ::
* Jean Hamilton
:: * Jean Hamilton ::
* Joanne Murray
:: * Joanne Murray ::
* John Dufton
:: * John Dufton ::
* John Murray
:: * John Murray ::
* Leo Mosley
:: * Leo Mosley ::
* Lois DeEll
:: * Lois DeEll ::
* Lynn Harnish
:: * Lynn Harnish ::
* Marilyn Jeffries
:: * Marilyn Jeffries ::
* Martha Aguero
:: * Martha Aguero ::
* Nancy Oliver
:: * Nancy Oliver ::
* Nicci Clark
:: * Nicci Clark ::
* Pam Dobbs
:: * Pam Dobbs ::
* Rachel Penney
:: * Rachel Penney ::
* Racine Erland
:: * Racine Erland ::
* Randy Blake
:: * Randy Blake ::
* Sean Rose
:: * Sean Rose ::
* Trish Rankin
:: * Trish Rankin ::
* Valerie Payne
:: * Valerie Payne ::
* Willie Harvie
:: * Willie Harvie ::
* Zosia Miller
:: * Zosia Miller  ::
Unclaimed Images
:: Unclaimed Images ::