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ctfchallenge | all galleries >> Challenge 139 - Vivid >> Eligible > Waiting
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10-AUG-2007 CJ in CA


2 Quarters per Ride

Canon EOS 350D
1/1600s f/4.0 at 28.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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ctfchallenge13-Aug-2007 10:20
Thanks Tom, Tom and Doug! The little critters do look abandoned in the hot sun don't they? ;-) CJ
ctfchallenge12-Aug-2007 04:55
Almost an abandoned look. You made the best of the strong late morning light. -COAmature
Guest 12-Aug-2007 04:35
Good catch CJ! These things always seem out of place, & usually are. But they are brightly colored so the kids can't miss them.
ctfchallenge11-Aug-2007 19:50
Dramatic exposure of an undramatic subject conjures up an "arty" atmosphere of anxiety and longing, or something. Bravely successful in my view and I think the burnouts add to the tension. -tv