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ctfchallenge | all galleries >> Challenge 50 - Bridges >> Eligible Gallery > A bridge to nowhere (*)
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24-feb-04 Nugar

A bridge to nowhere (*)


Today I went with my wife and daughter to search for some bridges. While scouting, I saw this wreck. It was a bridge that had seen better days. It was part of a path. I couldn't resist taking its picture, although my wife complains it is the ugliest picture she's ever seen.

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Nugar04-Mar-2004 19:38
Thanks a lot to those of you who found beauty in an ugly thing!
Nugar26-Feb-2004 17:11
Hi Sigurd,

It is post processed, but it has no PS blur, the DOF is from the camera. Basically, I did some curves, levels, and sharpened the ball area.
Sigurd 26-Feb-2004 16:53
There's a lot of beauty in ugly things sometimes :)
I think you've gotten the DOF just right here also... is it post-processed, or can you actually get such shallow DOF with the G3? Either way, it's very well done.
For some reason I'd like to see it flipped vertically, but that's just me :)
Nugar26-Feb-2004 02:27
And yet I'm fond of it... :o)
ctfchallenge26-Feb-2004 01:45
I probably would have taken the picture also, and my husband's response would have been similar to your wife's. "It doesn't do anything for me" is his standard remark to some of the unusual shots I take.