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Crockett Johnson

David Johnson Liesk (1906-1975).

Philip Nel, an English professor at Kansas State University, has put together a comprehensive scholarly site devoted to Crockett Johnson at
Crockett Johnson (image courtesy F.C.W.)
Crockett Johnson (image courtesy F.C.W.)
Crockett Johnson (on left) (from 9/46 Time magazine
Crockett Johnson (on left) (from 9/46 Time magazine
Barnaby (1943) (signed and inscribed copies)
:: Barnaby (1943) (signed and inscribed copies) ::
This Rich World (1943)
This Rich World (1943)
Barnaby and Mr O'Malley (1944) (inscribed)
:: Barnaby and Mr O'Malley (1944) (inscribed) ::
Harold at the North Pole (1958)
Harold at the North Pole (1958)
Correspondence from Johnson describing the end of the strip
Correspondence from Johnson describing the end of "the strip"
Correspondence from 1970
Correspondence from 1970