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Christopher Wheeler | profile | all galleries >> Cartoon(ist) Gallery >> Gluyas Williams tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gluyas Williams

Photo of Williams at the drawing table courtesy of Todd Hignite via Chris Ware.

Kudos and best wishes to David at Reliable Comics, who/which recently initiated a Gluyas Williams website:
Gluyas Williams
Gluyas Williams
Another image of Williams
Another image of Williams
The Gluyas Williams Book (1929) (inscribed)
:: The Gluyas Williams Book (1929) (inscribed) ::
Fellow Citizens (1940) (signed and inscribed copies)
:: Fellow Citizens (1940) (signed and inscribed copies) ::
Tips on Train Travel (c. 1942)
Tips on Train Travel (c. 1942)
The Gluyas Williams Gallery (1957) (inscribed)
:: The Gluyas Williams Gallery (1957) (inscribed) ::
Advertisement for 'The Gluyas Williams Gallery'
Advertisement for 'The Gluyas Williams Gallery'
Williams's copy of Max and Moritz
Williams's copy of Max and Moritz
Williams's copy of Max Moritz
Williams's copy of Max Moritz