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Canon DSLR Challenge | all galleries >> CSLR Challenge 49: Faceless (hosted by iso3200) >> Challenge 49: Eligible > Foggy Mornin' Fishin' *
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28-AUG-2005 SportsGal

Foggy Mornin' Fishin' *

Lake Taneycomo Missouri

I always look forward to fishing when the fog is on the lake...makes for some really fun shots and the fish bite great. Drawback, lure ends up in the trees or snagged on the bank more than I would like to admit!

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L USM
1/1000s f/5.0 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Canon DSLR Challenge07-Sep-2005 00:46
Love the mistiness. --Melanie (mlynn)
Guest 06-Sep-2005 22:29
Evocative and moody. You've handled the soft shadows and highlights of the fog very nicely. -Michael
iso320006-Sep-2005 18:38
Thats better! Yes this has a lovely mood. The central composition and fog gives it a real tranquil and quiet quality. If you listen real hard you can hear the plop of the float being cast in, and a few birds flapping in the trees. :)
Canon DSLR Challenge06-Sep-2005 13:39
Sorry, guys. I am still new to being a participant not just a looker. This image should be larger on your screens. Thanks for your comments.
Gayle Knowles06-Sep-2005 00:30
On a 17" monitor, this looks like a thumbnail; on a 19"monitor it looks barely more than a bunch of pixels.
Probably a nice photo but too small to tell.
iso320005-Sep-2005 19:29
I *think* its good but it's so damn small and foggy I can hardly see a thing LOL