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CSLR Challenge 144: Still (hosted by Nico Conradie)

CSLR Challenge 144: Still

Still: free of sound; not moving; no disturbance; quiet; tranquil; calm...

For the previous challenge Michael was successful in getting us to search for photo opportunities of liquid in motion.

I thought perhaps we should now tackle the opposite in some respects, namely photographs that will evoke a sense of quiet, rest, still, calm.

I do NOT mean "still life" as in the classic bowl of flowers or fruit. Whilst I have no problem with such entries in principle either, the ideal entry would be this: should someone who did not know the challenge topic were to be viewing the entry - and his/her description of the image contain some or all of the words still, quiet, rest, calm... or similar.

(This topic does probably have some degree of overlap with Challenge 67's "In Repose", but I trust the latter was long enough ago that I will be forgiven.)

Have fun searching for an image displaying the essence of "still"...

The Eligible gallery is for images captured with a Canon DSLR during the Challenge period

The Exhibition gallery is for images taken at any time with any camera.

Enter a maximum of three pictures per person in each gallery and please remember the 150kb limit.

Challenge Timetable:

Challenge Starts: Friday, April 17th, 2009 0.00 UTC
Challenge Ends: Tuesday, April 28th 2009 23:59 UTC

Voting Begins: Wednesday, April 29th 2009 0:00 UTC
Voting Ends: Thursday, April 30th 2009 23:59 UTC

Link to Discussion Thread is: Part 1

Link to Voting Thread is is here.

Challenge Rules: The challenge rules are at Rules and Guidelines

CSLR Challenges FAQ: Everything you wanted to know is at CSLR Challenge FAQ

Password: To obtain the PBase password for these galleries please email the pass holders.

Voting: At the end of the challenge, be sure to vote and leave comments for your favorite images in the vote booth.
CSLR Challenge 144 - Eligible
:: CSLR Challenge 144 - Eligible ::
CSLR Challenge 144 - Exhibition
:: CSLR Challenge 144 - Exhibition ::