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Charles Shen | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Myanmar 2015 >> Pindaya tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Shwe Oo Min Natural Cave Pagoda is on a limestone ridge above Pone Taloke Lake, containing more than 8,000 Buddha statues of various shapes and sizes. The covered stairs are long but it will be avoided if you go there by taxi. Nearby, a cave pavilion has a 40ft sitting Buddha in Shan style.
Eatery at Pindaya Cave
Eatery at Pindaya Cave
Walkway to the Cave
Walkway to the Cave
Walkway to the Cave
Walkway to the Cave
Walkway to the Cave
Walkway to the Cave
Hsin Khaung Taung Kyaung
Hsin Khaung Taung Kyaung
Pone Taloke Lake
Pone Taloke Lake
Stairways to the Cave
Stairways to the Cave
Stairways to the Cave
Stairways to the Cave
Stairways to the Cave
Stairways to the Cave
Cave Entrance
Cave Entrance
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shwe Oo Min Pagoda
Shang-style Buddha
Shang-style Buddha