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Carlton Sheely | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Michelle Sixta 27-Jan-2020 23:28
Hi Carl - I tried emailing you, but your address seems to be obsolete. We're doing an update of iBird North America and are looking for photos of 5 new species that were added to the database. Please email me if you are interest. Michelle whatbird/iBird
LeeSwanson 29-Mar-2014 03:35
Great photos on ibird, what type of camera do you use?
Bailey McCuddin 02-May-2012 15:28
Dear Dr. Carl Sheely,
I’m in 3rd grade at North Trail Elementary School in Farmington, MN. My name is Bailey McCuddin. I’m doing a project on the Blacked Backed Woodpecker or Audubon’s Woodpecker. For my project I want to use your photo for it, but I can’t unless you tell me I can. I made a PowerPoint for this bird and its body parts. We want to make it in to an E-book. Please right back to my teachers E-mail address at . I love your pictures. Did you do the facts too???? I’m making imagery bird too. I call it the Daddy-o funbugger pink. I’m making it in art out of clay and in media I’m making the facts and what kind it looks like. Please write back!!!!!!!!!!

Bailey McCuddin
Kathy Hains 23-Feb-2012 21:38
I told you about my friend Butch Spielman. I would like to forward some of his bird pictures to you.
Kathy Hains
Leo Miller08-Feb-2012 01:44
Carl, you have a very nice collection of photos. I enjoyed looking at them.
Steve Rutledge 03-Dec-2007 01:22
Hi Carl-
I'm assembling photographs (many from PBase photographers) to be used in my not-for-profit bird classes at the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society. I wonder if I might have permission to use some of yours? Please respond and I will be happy to send details.
Thank you, Steve Rutledge
Guest 01-Dec-2007 23:09
Great galleries here Carl. Well done.
Guest 05-May-2007 22:27
Nice Galleries. Well done
Guest 15-Dec-2006 17:54
Nice Gallery

can we have a look at your Hunting Gallery
Thomas Daggett 21-Oct-2006 04:58
Doc, Nice photos. Great seeing you and Marlene tonight. We should get the old gang together more often.