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Steve Goldthorp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sailing from the Clyde to Ballycastle via the Mull of Kintyre tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sailing from the Clyde to Ballycastle via the Mull of Kintyre

With Sandy, Alastair, Tom and John on Sandys Moody 31 'La Cerise'
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Cloch Point Lighthouse, Clyde
Cloch Point Lighthouse, Clyde
last light over Beinn Ruadh
last light over Beinn Ruadh
Misty mountain
Misty mountain
Toward Point lighthouse
Toward Point lighthouse
Toward Point lighthouse
Toward Point lighthouse
Cal Mac: The Argyll en route to Dunoon
Cal Mac: The Argyll en route to Dunoon
Cal Mac: The Argyll en route to Dunoon
Cal Mac: The Argyll en route to Dunoon
Toward Point lighthouse
Toward Point lighthouse
East cardinal off Toward
East cardinal off Toward
East cardinal off Toward
East cardinal off Toward
View East
View East
Green web
Green web
Bogany Point, Rothsay
Bogany Point, Rothsay
Rothsay 0500
Rothsay 0500
Sanda Island, Kintyre
Sanda Island, Kintyre
Mending nets outside Mortons
Mending nets outside Mortons
Ballycastle marina
Ballycastle marina
Rathlin Island marina
Rathlin Island marina
Guard dog!
Guard dog!
The pontoon
The pontoon
Lobster Pots
Lobster Pots
Rathlin map
Rathlin map
Rathlin Island
Rathlin Island
Rathlin Island
Rathlin Island
Rathlin Island West Lighthouse
Rathlin Island West Lighthouse
Port Ellen Marina
Port Ellen Marina
Port Ellen Marina
Port Ellen Marina
Port Ellen
Port Ellen
Port Ellen Marina
Port Ellen Marina
That blob is a Cal Mac ferry
That blob is a Cal Mac ferry
Tarbet from East Loch Tarbet
Tarbet from East Loch Tarbet
Loch Fyne skiff
Loch Fyne skiff
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