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Steve Goldthorp | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Kerala, India November 18th - December 6th 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kerala, India November 18th - December 6th 2007

I have now finished uploading the Kerala photos, only the night time photos from Dubai left! Once done a diary of sorts will also arrive! Watch this space! Cycling in kerala has to be very highly recommended as a holiday because of the beautiful countryside, friendly people, excellent cuisine, lovely backwaters and gorgeous beaches. What more do you need?
Ruths photos are suitable annotated and now in sequence!
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Ruth with essential supplies!
Ruth with essential supplies!
Labourer Fort Kochi
Labourer Fort Kochi
Fishing nets
Fishing nets
Chinese fishing nets (RT)
Chinese fishing nets (RT)
Mending the nets
Mending the nets
Fishing nets
Fishing nets
Fish market
Fish market
Make up time, Kathakali Centre
Make up time, Kathakali Centre
Make up time, Kathakali Centre
Make up time, Kathakali Centre
Mahabarrata, Kathakali Centre
Mahabarrata, Kathakali Centre
The Old Courtyard, Fort Cochi
The Old Courtyard, Fort Cochi
The Old Courtyard, Fort Cochi
The Old Courtyard, Fort Cochi
Rubber collecting
Rubber collecting
Rubber making
Rubber making
Rubber making
Rubber making
Rice paddy
Rice paddy
Helen enjoys a coconut!
Helen enjoys a coconut!
Aaaah! Yes please!
Aaaah! Yes please!
River Periyar sunset from Hornbill Camp
River Periyar sunset from Hornbill Camp
Sunset from Hornbill Camp
Sunset from Hornbill Camp
Sunset, Hornbill Camp
Sunset, Hornbill Camp
River Periyar
River Periyar
Pond Heron
Pond Heron
Young Cow at Hornbill Camp (RT)
Young Cow at Hornbill Camp (RT)
Our wee hoose, Hornbill Camp
Our wee hoose, Hornbill Camp
Our wee hoose!
Our wee hoose!
Dining room, Hornbill Camp
Dining room, Hornbill Camp
Breakfast view, Hornbill Camp
Breakfast view, Hornbill Camp
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