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Bev Wigney | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spiders -- galleries sorted by family tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Spiders -- galleries sorted by family

A number of the spider species that you see in my galleries are now being tracked by Spider WebWatch.
If you see one of these species of spiders, please consider reporting your sighting to Spider WebWatch.
Your observations will help to provide valuable information on spiders and their relationship to the environment.
Just click on this link or the Spider WebWatch image on the left to visit the website and report your sighting!

Orbweaver Spiders - Araneidae
:: Orbweaver Spiders - Araneidae ::
Crab Spiders - Thomisidae
:: Crab Spiders - Thomisidae ::
Jumping Spiders - Salticidae
:: Jumping Spiders - Salticidae ::
Wolf Spiders -  Lycosidae
:: Wolf Spiders - Lycosidae ::
Ground Spiders - Gnaphosidae
:: Ground Spiders - Gnaphosidae ::
Running Crab Spiders - Philodromidae
:: Running Crab Spiders - Philodromidae ::
Nursery Web Spiders - Pisauridae
:: Nursery Web Spiders - Pisauridae ::
Funnel Weaver Spiders - Agelenidae
:: Funnel Weaver Spiders - Agelenidae ::
Sheetweb Weaver Spiders - Linyphiidae
:: Sheetweb Weaver Spiders - Linyphiidae ::
Cobweb Weavers - Theridiidae
:: Cobweb Weavers - Theridiidae ::
:: Nemesiidae ::
Long-jawed Orbweaver Spiders - Tetragnathidae
:: Long-jawed Orbweaver Spiders - Tetragnathidae ::
Hackledmesh Weaver -- Amaurobiidae
:: Hackledmesh Weaver -- Amaurobiidae ::
Trapdoor Spiders -- Ctenizidae
:: Trapdoor Spiders -- Ctenizidae ::
Sac Spiders - Clubionidae
:: Sac Spiders - Clubionidae ::
Opiliones - Harvestman
:: Opiliones - Harvestman ::
Unidentified Spiders
:: Unidentified Spiders ::
Xysticus emertoni (?) - view 1
Xysticus emertoni (?) - view 1
:: Spiderlings ::