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Bev Wigney | profile | all galleries >> Penguin amphibious vehicle >> Penguin Photos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Penguin Photos

Penguin with snow skis
Penguin with snow skis
Penguin - industrial yellow model
Penguin - industrial yellow model
Penguin assembly line in Bates & Innis Mill building
Penguin assembly line in Bates & Innis Mill building
Penguin assembly plant in Bates & Innis Mill Building in Carleton Place, Ont.
Penguin assembly plant in Bates & Innis Mill Building in Carleton Place, Ont.
Penguin assembly plant in Bates & Innis Mill Building in Carleton Place, Ont.
Penguin assembly plant in Bates & Innis Mill Building in Carleton Place, Ont.
Penguin being presented to Queen Elizabeth during visit to Canada
Penguin being presented to Queen Elizabeth during visit to Canada
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip during Penguin presentation
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip during Penguin presentation
Penguin car
Penguin car
Penguin with trailer
Penguin with trailer
Penguin on display at Canada exhibit
Penguin on display at Canada exhibit
Penguin with trailer
Penguin with trailer
Penguin - steering and controls
Penguin - steering and controls
Penguin with trailer
Penguin with trailer
Penguin on lake
Penguin on lake
Penguin on snow skis
Penguin on snow skis
Penguin with trailer
Penguin with trailer
Penguin with trailer on lake
Penguin with trailer on lake
Penguin on snow skis
Penguin on snow skis
Penguin on snow skis
Penguin on snow skis
Penguin with rescue trailer
Penguin with rescue trailer
Penguin bushwacking through brush
Penguin bushwacking through brush
Penguin being loaded into station wagon
Penguin being loaded into station wagon
Penguin being loaded into trunk of sedan
Penguin being loaded into trunk of sedan
Penguin with trailer on lake
Penguin with trailer on lake
Penguin on lake at sunset
Penguin on lake at sunset
Penguin trailer hitch
Penguin trailer hitch