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Bev Wigney | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wasp, Hornets & Sawflies > Megarhyssa macrurus female. - 1 -- inspecting tree looking for place to deposit eggs
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Megarhyssa macrurus female. - 1 -- inspecting tree looking for place to deposit eggs

found on the huge river willows at Metcalfe Park in Almonte.
There were at least 3 of these walking up and down on the tree bark
about 3 meters above the ground. They were tapping their antennae
on the bark and would stop periodically then continue with their tapping.
One of them - the one in the 3 photos which I've posted, remained in
one area of the tree (approx 20 cm. x 100 cm.) for several minutes
and stabbed its ovipositor into the tree in more than one spot.
I managed to climb up the tree far enough to hold the camera up
at arm's length and shoot a few photos from various angles -- and
rather amazingly, some of them actually worked. (-:

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bev Wigney30-Sep-2010 22:40
No, they aren't venomous.
James 30-Jun-2009 01:26
I found one of these at my work last year. I work in Buffalo, New York. I captured it and saved it. Obviouslly it is no longer alive but I preserved it in a shadow box. I never saw anything like this before and thought it looked very rare. It is still fully intact. Are these Rare? Are they normally in the Buffalo area? I would like to get some more information on this.
James 30-Jun-2009 01:26
I found one of these at my work last year. I work in Buffalo, New York. I captured it and saved it. Obviouslly it is no longer alive but I preserved it in a shadow box. I never saw anything like this before and thought it looked very rare. It is still fully intact. Are these Rare? Are they normally in the Buffalo area? I would like to get some more information on this.
Bev Wigney08-Sep-2004 23:04
Thanks, Eric! It didn't turn out too badly either, considering that I was trying to shoot while stuck to the side of a tree a few feet off of the ground! (-:
Guest 08-Sep-2004 19:44
Megarhyssa sp., female. Wonderful shot!