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Bev Wigney | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wasp, Hornets & Sawflies > Arge humeralis (Beauvois) - Argidae. A male. Larvae feed on poison ivy.
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Arge humeralis (Beauvois) - Argidae. A male. Larvae feed on poison ivy.

on Cataraqui Trail near Indian Lake Road in Opinicon Lake area.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 23-Aug-2004 20:39
Please submit this image for the field guide. Thank you.
David R. Smith 23-Aug-2004 00:51
Arge humeralis (Beauvois) - Argidae. A male. Larvae feed on poison ivy.
Guest 26-Jul-2004 23:27
Sawfly of some kind. Wow, what detail!