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Bev Wigney | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fireflies > Firefly on Milkweed flower
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Firefly on Milkweed flower

found on Milkweed near the vegetable garden at the farm.
At first, I thought it was drinking nectar, but then noticed
that it seemed to be dipping its abdomen back and forth into
one of the tubelike flower petals. I checked to see where
fireflies are supposed to lay eggs and it's on earth
or in rotting wood -- so I don't actually know what the purpose
was of the repetitive dipping motion.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Willa Dios11-Jan-2006 01:27
Maybe he had an itch, haha. Crocodile, your galleries are incredible. This particular photo is magazine worthy fer sure. I envy your talent.