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Cristian Jensen | profile | all galleries >> Birding in Spain - Best Birding Sites in Spain - Wildlife Photography >> Birdwatching in Extremadura - Monfragüe and other birding places tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birdwatching in Extremadura - Monfragüe and other birding places

Audouin Birding Tours birdwatching in Spain

Audouin Birding Tours - Birdwatching in Spain - Extremadura, Andalucia, Aragon and Catalonia -

Extremadura has amazing landscapes with "mega-birds". The local cousine is very good, and good hotels are found in the most remote villages.
In this gallery you can find pictures from Extremadura, including Monfragüe Nature Park, Arrocampo Reservoir, Serena, and Belen Steppes or Plains. Also photos from Cornalvo Nature Park and Trujillo. The pictures are taken in our birding tours in Extremadura.

If you want more information about the Monfragüe Nature Park you can click HERE

The trip reports can be seen here: Extremadura Bird Watching Trip Reports

SLIDESHOW Extremadura nature

Aquí podrás encontrar fotografías de Extremadura y su naturaleza. Mas info para visitar Extremadura y ver su naturaleza mas salvaje CLICA AQUI

Pase de diapositivas sobre la naturaleza de Extremadura
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Sardinean Warbler - Sylvia melanocephala - Curruca cabecinegro - Tallarol capnegre
Sardinean Warbler - Sylvia melanocephala - Curruca cabecinegro - Tallarol capnegre
Western Orphean Warbler - Syvlia hortensis - Curruca mirlona - Tallarol Emmascarat
Western Orphean Warbler - Syvlia hortensis - Curruca mirlona - Tallarol Emmascarat
Dartford warbler - Sylvia undata - Curruca rabilarga - Tallareta cuallarga
Dartford warbler - Sylvia undata - Curruca rabilarga - Tallareta cuallarga
Rufous Bush Robin - Cercotricas galactotes - Alzacola - Cuaenlairat
Rufous Bush Robin - Cercotricas galactotes - Alzacola - Cuaenlairat
Black stork in the flowered Serena Steppes - Ciconia nigra - Cigüeña negra - Cigonya negra
Black stork in the flowered Serena Steppes - Ciconia nigra - Cigüeña negra - Cigonya negra
Crested Lark on the granitic formations of Serena Steppes - Galerida cristata - Cogujada Vulgar encima de los dientes de perro
Crested Lark on the granitic formations of Serena Steppes - Galerida cristata - Cogujada Vulgar encima de los dientes de perro
Little bustard - Tetrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó - Outard canepetière
Little bustard - Tetrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó - Outard canepetière
Little bustard - Tetrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó - Outard canepetière
Little bustard - Tetrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó - Outard canepetière
Little bustard - Tetrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó - Outard canepetière
Little bustard - Tetrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó - Outard canepetière
Little bustard - Tetrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó - Outard canepetière
Little bustard - Tetrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó - Outard canepetière
Pintail sandgrouse  - Pterocles alchata - Ganga común
Pintail sandgrouse - Pterocles alchata - Ganga común
Great spotted cuckoo - Clamator glandarius - Crialo - Cucut reial
Great spotted cuckoo - Clamator glandarius - Crialo - Cucut reial
Bee-eater - Merops apiaster - Abejaruco - Abellarol
Bee-eater - Merops apiaster - Abejaruco - Abellarol
Great Bustard - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge
Great Bustard - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge
Great Bustard Displaying - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge - Grand Outard
Great Bustard Displaying - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge - Grand Outard
Great Bustard Displaying - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge - Grand Outard
Great Bustard Displaying - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge - Grand Outard
Red-necked nightjar - Caprimulgus ruficollis - Chotacabras pardo - Siboc
Red-necked nightjar - Caprimulgus ruficollis - Chotacabras pardo - Siboc
Lesser kestrel - Falco naumani - Cernicalo primilla - Xoriguer petit
Lesser kestrel - Falco naumani - Cernicalo primilla - Xoriguer petit
Alpine swift - Apus melva - Vencejo Real - Ballester
Alpine swift - Apus melva - Vencejo Real - Ballester
Avadavat - Amandava amandava - Bengalí Rojo
Avadavat - Amandava amandava - Bengalí Rojo
Montagus Harrier - Circus pygargus - Aguilucho cenizo - Esparver cendrós
Montagus Harrier - Circus pygargus - Aguilucho cenizo - Esparver cendrós
Visit to Extremadura - Visita Extremadura - Visita Extremadura
Visit to Extremadura - Visita Extremadura - Visita Extremadura
Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus - Elanio azul - Esparver d'Espatlles negres
Black-winged Kite - Elanus caeruleus - Elanio azul - Esparver d'Espatlles negres
Long-eared Owl - Asio otus - Buho chico - Mussol banyut
Long-eared Owl - Asio otus - Buho chico - Mussol banyut
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor comú
Griffon Vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor comú
Lond-tail Tit - Aegithalos caudatus - Mito - Mallarenga cuallarga
Lond-tail Tit - Aegithalos caudatus - Mito - Mallarenga cuallarga
Pintail sandgrouse - Pterocles alchata - Ganga
Pintail sandgrouse - Pterocles alchata - Ganga
Great Bustard - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge
Great Bustard - Otis tarda - Avutarda - Pioc Salvatge
Hoopoe - Upupa epops - Ububilla - Puput - Huppé fascié
Hoopoe - Upupa epops - Ububilla - Puput - Huppé fascié
Foxgloves - Digitalis - Didalera
Foxgloves - Digitalis - Didalera
Lavender - Lavandula sp.- Lavanda - Cap d'ase
Lavender - Lavandula sp.- Lavanda - Cap d'ase
Ladanifer or Gum Cistus (Rockrose family) - Cistus ladanifer - Jara - Estepa
Ladanifer or Gum Cistus (Rockrose family) - Cistus ladanifer - Jara - Estepa
Azure wiged magpie - Cyanopica cyana - Rabilargo - Garsa blava - Pie Bleue
Azure wiged magpie - Cyanopica cyana - Rabilargo - Garsa blava - Pie Bleue
Sierra Brava Reservoir - Embalse de Sierra Brava - Presa de Sierra Brava
Sierra Brava Reservoir - Embalse de Sierra Brava - Presa de Sierra Brava
Mauremys leprosa - Galapago leproso - Tortuga de rierol
Mauremys leprosa - Galapago leproso - Tortuga de rierol
Sharp-ribbed Salamander - Pleurodeles waltl - Gallipato - Ofegabous
Sharp-ribbed Salamander - Pleurodeles waltl - Gallipato - Ofegabous
Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes  - Zorro - Guineu
Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes - Zorro - Guineu
Great spotted cuckoo - Clamator glandarius - Críalo - Cucut reial
Great spotted cuckoo - Clamator glandarius - Críalo - Cucut reial
Rui Vilar taking pictures - Fotografiando en Monfragüe
Rui Vilar taking pictures - Fotografiando en Monfragüe
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