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Cristian Jensen | profile | all galleries >> Birding in Spain - Best Birding Sites in Spain - Wildlife Photography >> Birdwatching in Extremadura - Monfragüe and other birding places >> Wildlife in Extremadura in May: Birdwatching Tour in spring 2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wildlife in Extremadura in May: Birdwatching Tour in spring 2010

Audouin Birding Tours birdwatching in Spain

Audouin Birding Tours - Birdwatching in Spain - Extremadura, Andalucia, Aragon and Catalonia -

Extremadura has amazing landscapes with "mega-birds". The local cousine is very good, and good hotels are found in the most remote villages.
In this gallery you can find pictures from Extremadura, including Monfragüe Nature Park, Arrocampo Reservoir, Serena, and Belen Steppes or Plains. Also photos from Cornalvo Nature Park and Trujillo. The pictures are taken in our birding tours in Extremadura.

If you want more information about the Monfragüe Nature Park you can click HERE

The trip reports can be seen here: Extremadura Bird Watching Trip Reports

SLIDESHOW Extremadura nature

Aquí podrás encontrar fotografías de Extremadura y su naturaleza. Mas info para visitar Extremadura y ver su naturaleza mas salvaje CLICA AQUI

Pase de diapositivas sobre la naturaleza de Extremadura
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Eagle Owl - Bubo bubo - Buho Real - Duc
Eagle Owl - Bubo bubo - Buho Real - Duc
Eagle Owl - Bubo bubo - Buho Real - Duc
Eagle Owl - Bubo bubo - Buho Real - Duc
Booted eagle - Hieraetus pennatus - Aguililla calzada - Àguila calçada
Booted eagle - Hieraetus pennatus - Aguililla calzada - Àguila calçada
Birding group in Extremadura - Monfragüe
Birding group in Extremadura - Monfragüe
Great spotted Cuckoo - Clamator glandarius - Crialo - Cucut reial
Great spotted Cuckoo - Clamator glandarius - Crialo - Cucut reial
Great spotted Cuckoo - Clamator glandarius - Crialo - Cucut reial
Great spotted Cuckoo - Clamator glandarius - Crialo - Cucut reial
Hoopoe - Upupa epops
Hoopoe - Upupa epops
Adult Male Stonechat - Saxicola torquata - Tarabilla - Bitxac
Adult Male Stonechat - Saxicola torquata - Tarabilla - Bitxac
Adult Female Stonechat - Saxicola torquata - Tarabilla - Bitxac
Adult Female Stonechat - Saxicola torquata - Tarabilla - Bitxac
Little Bustard - Tretrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó
Little Bustard - Tretrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó
Barn swallow - Hirundo rustica
Barn swallow - Hirundo rustica
European Roller in Serena - Coracias garrulus - Carraca - Gaig Blau
European Roller in Serena - Coracias garrulus - Carraca - Gaig Blau
Red-necked Nightjar - Caprimulgus ruficollis - Chotacabras pardo - Siboc
Red-necked Nightjar - Caprimulgus ruficollis - Chotacabras pardo - Siboc
Red-necked Nightjar - Caprimulgus ruficollis - Chotacabras pardo - Siboc
Red-necked Nightjar - Caprimulgus ruficollis - Chotacabras pardo - Siboc
Serena steppes and the dog teeth
Serena steppes and the dog teeth
Egyptian vulture - Neophron percnopterus
Egyptian vulture - Neophron percnopterus
Hans Peter Jensen birding
Hans Peter Jensen birding
Ladanifer or Gum Cistus - Cistus ladanifera - Jara - Estepa
Ladanifer or Gum Cistus - Cistus ladanifera - Jara - Estepa
MO birdwatching
MO birdwatching
Little Bustard - Tretrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó
Little Bustard - Tretrax tetrax - Sisón - Sisó
Malcom birdwatching
Malcom birdwatching
Cattle egret - Bubulcus ibis - Garcilla bueyera - Esplugabous
Cattle egret - Bubulcus ibis - Garcilla bueyera - Esplugabous
Mike enjoying the spring
Mike enjoying the spring
Mike fully equiped and ready for birding
Mike fully equiped and ready for birding
Thomas in the Dehesa birdwatching
Thomas in the Dehesa birdwatching
Azure winged Magpie - Cyanopica cyanus - Rabilargo, Rabúo, Mohíno
Azure winged Magpie - Cyanopica cyanus - Rabilargo, Rabúo, Mohíno
Malcom birding
Malcom birding
Helen and Malcom birding in dehesa forest of Monfragüe
Helen and Malcom birding in dehesa forest of Monfragüe
Helen birding in dehesa forest of Monfragüe
Helen birding in dehesa forest of Monfragüe
Black kite - Milvus negrans - Milano negro - Milà negre
Black kite - Milvus negrans - Milano negro - Milà negre
Black kite - Milvus migrans - Milano negro - Milà negre
Black kite - Milvus migrans - Milano negro - Milà negre
Black stork - Ciconia nigra - Cigüeña negra - Cigonya negra
Black stork - Ciconia nigra - Cigüeña negra - Cigonya negra
Black stork - Ciconia nigra - Cigüeña negra - Cigonya negra
Black stork - Ciconia nigra - Cigüeña negra - Cigonya negra
Flower in a stone wall
Flower in a stone wall
European bee-eater - Merops apiaster - Abejaruco - Abellerol
European bee-eater - Merops apiaster - Abejaruco - Abellerol
MO birding
MO birding
Griffon vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Griffon vulture - Gyps fulvus - Buitre leonado - Voltor Comú
Steff with the camera
Steff with the camera
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