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Our Personal Critters

My Nasty Dog (warning: may contain carrion)
:: My Nasty Dog (warning: may contain carrion) ::
g6/80/736680/3/73474254.N3YIeoFj.jpg g6/80/736680/3/73474253.W9ICGE5l.jpg g6/80/736680/3/72820430.LmGIoMXc.jpg
g6/80/736680/3/72080663.JX9t7tYK.jpg Incognito Kitty
Incognito Kitty
Molly says...
Molly says...
Nappy Cat
Nappy Cat
g6/80/736680/3/76757510.okAocUS2.jpg Molly on my car!
Molly on my car!
g6/80/736680/3/80782877.eExGTfU9.jpg g3/80/736680/3/94744498.KchRDTEM.jpg
Queen of the Jungle
Queen of the Jungle
g6/80/736680/3/82594268.kHVzQO1d.jpg g6/80/736680/3/84008793.xiJRgNBZ.jpg
g3/80/736680/3/89324457.P98wZz4f.jpg g4/80/736680/3/90962092.Vz77TCRL.jpg g4/80/736680/3/91070689.ve24NX5S.jpg g4/80/736680/3/91070690.TtYtaSog.jpg
g4/80/736680/3/91685240.RnpOE7XX.jpg g4/80/736680/3/92201491.k7aXeB97.jpg g1/80/736680/3/110688493.FuZqg39V.jpg g6/80/736680/3/72170492.tT3YkQO9.jpg
g6/80/736680/3/79304899.Ni8rDMuW.jpg Rudi Hides
Rudi Hides
Leave it.... leave it....
"Leave it.... leave it...."
Dog days of spring
Dog days of spring
Care to supply a caption?
Care to supply a caption?
Can Rudi come out and play?
Can Rudi come out and play?
Can we help? Huh? Plu-eeeze? Can we? Huh?
"Can we help? Huh? Plu-eeeze? Can we? Huh?
Black & White Dog Fight
Black & White Dog Fight
g6/80/736680/3/74640721.qivkQVSW.jpg g6/80/736680/3/74640722.uwlrDf9h.jpg g3/80/736680/3/89324226.HTZCa7hM.jpg
g6/80/736680/3/80782876.RxRzv4AU.jpg g3/80/736680/3/121530378.8uHRbO2n.jpg there was a treat there earlier
"there was a treat there earlier"
Double Itches
Double Itches
Happy Dog
Happy Dog
Mr. S
Mr. S
Old Blue Eyes
Old Blue Eyes
g6/80/736680/3/73806529.GuxLUuie.jpg g6/80/736680/3/72079763.PVisMppk.jpg Mr. Slithers II
Mr. Slithers II
Orange Dog
Orange Dog
Molly & Sherlock
Molly & Sherlock
Periwinkle Pups
Periwinkle Pups
Sweet Trey Boy
Sweet Trey Boy
Sherlock in the Cherry Tree blossoms
Sherlock in the Cherry Tree blossoms
Trey & Cherry Blossoms
Trey & Cherry Blossoms
Bed cleaning day
Bed cleaning day
Rudi in 2003
Rudi in 2003
Doggie in Clover
Doggie in Clover
Yeah, right!
Yeah, right!
Rudi in 2013
Rudi in 2013
Haircut - Stage 1
Haircut - Stage 1
Haircut - Stage 2
Haircut - Stage 2
Haircut - All Done!
Haircut - All Done!
Ying Yang Dogs
Ying Yang Dogs