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CreativeWiseGal | profile | all galleries >> There She Goes >> TO THE MOUNTAINS >> Blue Ridge Parkway 10/20/09 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Blue Ridge Parkway 10/20/09

Took a day off work for a drive to the mountains of NC. Sunny, temps in the 60s, and unbelievably clear. Leaves were just starting to show their fall colors. Check out Mike's photos by going here --->
Lake Tahoma Lake Tahoma Early Fall Colors g1/80/736680/3/118548450.eJvLN7mA.jpg
g1/80/736680/3/118548452.BgFCBnsp.jpg Yes, SNOW! View from Mt. Mitchell Mt. Mitchell
Angela and Mike at Mt. Mitchell Photographing a Panorama from Mt. Mitchell Mike's Mountain Home Roaring Fork Falls
Roaring Fork Falls Roaring Fork Falls Us at Roaring Fork Falls Swinging Bridge over the South Toe River
Mike and My Shadow Attempting the Low Water Bridge Deeper than it looks Me
The South Toe River